Belorante: bringing Italy to life.

Italian style and flair is recognised the world over so it's surprising that a typical shelf of Italian wines in-store presents a lot of dark, conservative labels. Our client, who recognised the universal appeal of the more easy-drinking Italian wine styles, wanted to convey this to consumers as well as disrupt the category with a new brand.

We went to the real Italy for inspiration: the Italy of peacocks strutting in palazzo gardens, vibrant fashion paraded in the daily passeggiata and the deliciousness of Italian food. Belorante captures this all- a gorgeously coloured peacock with a hint of gold, a logo that echoes classic Italian signage, eye-catching bold colours: all reflect the regional vibrancy of the wines. This, combined with a unique label shape, means the brand jumps off any shelf. Style and deliciousness in spades - how very Italian.

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